Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley

I wish that I could say that I'm ashamed of how many blogs, forums, and vloggers I follow. But I'm not. Ha-ha! You never know when you'll find that one gem of technique or product that will change the way that you think about your hair! Here's a few that I've bookmarked from about the web this week:
Transformation Tuesday Damaged Relaxed To Health Natural mixedbeauty: I personally believe that all hair can be healthy. You just have to learn how to care for it. Chantelle's journey over the last 8 years is proof!
Deep Conditioning Your Hair Ends Only freshlengths: I'm totally on the protein layering deep condition bandwagon. Lesley explains why she is too.

Texturizers 101 tressedforSuccess: I used Just For Me Texture Softener for years and years. But stopped for the exact reasons that MJ did: their marketing. The packaging and branding that the gurus at Just For Me came up with is cute; but it's deceitful to naturals and I can't agree with marketing relaxers to kids. The ingredients are the same!
How To Clean Your Hair Tools Easily keepitkinky: To usually use shampoo that my hair hates to clean my combs and hair clips. Here are some other ways to get brushes, flat iron, and hair pins squeaky clean too.
You follow tons of folks too! What articles did you bookmark this week? Link up your run down below every week! Here's how:

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  1. Share your run down the week's best healthy hair related blog posts, YouTube clips, and forum features that you've found about the web this week. Be it relaxed&radiant tresses, big fluffy naturalidad curls, or anything else in between. (Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!)
  2. Link back to this site so others see. Looky at this nifty button we made for you!
  3. Muy Importante chicas: Visit the healthy hairology post of the person who linked up directly before you and leave the author an encouraging comment. This is the most important component of this linkup. We are each here to encourage each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends.
KLP & Keyda

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  1. I agree with the Texturizer 101 video. Up until these last six months, I was using the Just For Me Texture Softener. The only thing that distinguishes it from another relaxer is the sunflower oil that you add to the chemicals to lessen the strength of the relaxer and the applying of oil to your hair before applying the softener. It is fine if a person uses it but be sure to realize that you are using a relaxer.

    1. Absolutely IvyJay! If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then its a duck for pete's sake! This product is definitely misleading to say the least.

  2. I really look forward to these posts every Sunday. You have led me to some fantastic blogs and for that I'll always be grateful. You rock doll :-)

  3. Thank you for the mention!
    I love that video by MJ, she explains how relaxers and texturizers are similar so well
    The post from Keep It Kinky also reminded me I really need to clean brushes x

    1. I just threw all my hair clips and combs into a bath of vinegar and shampoo. They'll be hanging out for a while. Haha!

  4. Ah! I love you for calling my attention to all these great articles and posts! I already see I'm definitely going to love your blog! xo Happy Holidays!


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