Thursday, May 29, 2014

ABCs of Bangin' Bantu Knots

I'm a one trick pony. I try braid outs---they fail. I even tried twist outs---they were a hot mess. Flexi-rods are just far too complicated. I'm too lazy for roller sets. Bantu knots are seriously the only low manipulation style that I can count on to blend my super curly roots with the rest of my texlaxed hair. I hope that y'all aren't tired of them! It's been over a year since my first set and here are the basic ABCs of bangin bantu knots:

Air Dry:
I always start with detangled air dried hair. I get the best results when my hair has been washed and deep conditioned 24-48 hours before I try to install the knots.

Bigger is better:
I prefer my curls in big sections because I love volume. Big hair; KLP don't care. Ha-ha! The smaller your sections, the tighter the curls. You can experiment to see which curl you like the best. I usually end up with 10-12 knots. My knots take about 15 minutes to install.


Moisturizer + Oil/butter + Holding product. Use whatever floats your boat. My go to cocktail has been Jessicurl Too Shea! Extra Moisturizing Conditioner + my kitchenista Tangerine Vanilla Whipped Hair Butter + Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie. I do believe that order of operations matter on this one. I've found that many products that "hold" aren't particularly moisturizing and can make my hair feel or look very dry over time. Layering on a moisturizer and oil prior to the holding product traps that moisture in and keeps the frizz at bay.

I studied Whoissuga's "How to do a bangin Bantu knot out" fifty trillion times to figure out how to knot my hair. Then Tressedforsuccess took my bantu knot game to another level. It will take some time. You probably will fail the first time. But you're totally not alone. Shoot, I failed a few days ago. It happens! Throw it all up and rock a curly bun or tuck it under and work a faux bob. Whatever you do, do not give up! What's your go to low manipulation style this spring?  



  1. I've tried bantu knots once and ended up looking like a poodle. Do you sleep in them?

  2. Paying attention to your tips for the next time I will try it.

    1. Hey Tomi! Let me know if it helps! I say BANTU KNOTS for everyone!

      *clears throat*

      I'd clearly be that hair stylist that never listened to her clients. Ha-ha!

  3. Yep, I needed this post in my life *bookmarked* because Bantu knot attempts (haven't even made it to the results stage yet lol) and I are enemies lol.

    1. Muahahahaha! Once you get it---you'll be addicted. I promise!

  4. I did bantu knots only once and it was a HUGE fail. After this reading this post I am for sure going to give it a try, great post !

    1. When you try it again Mercedes, let me know! You'll get be flaunting your heatless curls in no time! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Great post! My bantu knots are usually a disaster on one part of my head for unknown reasons but its been a long time since I tried them. Yours are always so perfect I may need to try them again using your tips x

    1. Maybe its the way that your rolling them. Always twist the hair away from your face. So on the right side you should twist clockwise and on the left---counter clock wise. Hmm...I guess that I can include this in ABCs of Bangin Bantu Knots pt 2! LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by Lesley!

  6. Thanks for posting this! My bantu knots always come out a hot mess, but maybe that's because I try that on wet hair. Can't wait to use your tips. Great post! :)

  7. Let me know if doing them on drier hair works chica! Thanks for stopping by!


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