Tuesday, April 01, 2014

How To Amp Your Color For Spring

I've been itching to change my hair color for a few months now. I've considered henna and even tried hair chalk. But now, just in time for spring, I'm ready for a not so subtle change.
  1. Think Pink- Who doesn't love a Nicki Minaj-esqe makeover? Spring is the perfect time to go big or go home.
  2. Pastel Purple Power- Purple is my all time favorite color! Why not have pastely purple hair to match?
  3. Big Blue- Bluish tones will make your face look slimmer and your teeth brighter. 
Who says that blondes have more fun? 

Just joking! No way that I'm using Nicki Minaj and me in the same sentence let alone in the same fushia wig! Happy April's Fool's Day! 



  1. I was giving the side eye until the end of your post!

  2. lol, I saw the pic and instantly thought you are going Nicki Minaj on us!

    1. I'll never say never *wink wink* Ha-ha! Thanks for stopping by Candice!

  3. Lol I would have loved to see the purple hair honestly... I have actually considered it

    1. Purple is my fav color! I'd definitely go temporary with some purple hair chalk highlights but that's about it...lol.

  4. Replies
    1. YES YES! Its all in the name of #AprilFools! Gotcha! Trust and believe that "bluish tones" do not make your face look slimmer!

  5. Replies
    1. Ha-ha! Much better than a hey guys I'm preggers joke right?!?


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